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You are viewing Cheat Codes for The Sims 2 : Pets System : Nintendo Wii Date Added : 2007-08-03 10:09:57 Views : 29594 Alien abduction If you stargaze long enough you will be abducted by aliens. When you come back you will be sick. Special food In any refrigerator, get the following ingredients: Pork, Chicken, Tofu, and Beef. Cook them on an oven. When it comes out, the food will sparkle. Once you eat it, you will sparkle and your stats will not decrease for a short time. To create a special combo pizza, use Tofo, Soy Milk, Soy Flour, and Onions. Prepare the pizza, then put it in the oven. When it is done, your Sim will wish that he or she could eat it every day. Cook Tuna, Pwarn, Passionfruit, and Raspberry in a microwave. When you are finished you cannot take your eyes off it. Once you eat it, hearts start coming out of your body. Increasing your hunger When you go to the town square, on the right hand side of the restrooms (when facing them), is a bubbler. Drink it to increase your hunger for a day. Naming a puppy As soon as your dogs have had a puppy and the big balloon comes down, select the basket and choose "Rename". Name the dog. After you have done that and become a little bit of a friend with the puppy, select "Start" then go to "Personal Info". Look at your relationships. You will find the puppy's name, but the picture will show it grown up. If you do not think the name you chose suits how the pet looks, then go back and rename it. Collars Bonuses Enter one of the following game options codes.
Increasing your hygiene Splash in that pond next to the ice cream seller. Fur patterns Bonuses Enter one of the following game options codes.
Have a wolf as a pet Select a Siberian Husky. Change it to make it completely white. Go to the fur markings and start at the red cross. Move six places to the right and select the pattern. Select this for the bottom layer and make sure to change it to a light brown color. Next, choose any pattern for the back. Change that to a light yellow. This is for the middle layer. For the top layer, choose the same pattern as the bottom layer. Change this to black. Your dog should slightly resemble a wolf. You are now done with the fur. Change the body type to #4 and the fur style to #1. Go to the face options and change the muzzle to the default muzzle. For the wolf personality, it is Gifted, Hyper, Friendly, Aggressive, and Pigpen. You may choose your own personality freely if desired. Add the optional fashion accessory. You should now have a pet wolf. Fur color Bonuses Enter one of the following game options codes.
Change skills / advance 6 hours You don't hvae to be holding b or anything. Just for the 6 hour advance press right on the d-pad five times and the press left. For the skill cheat on the d-pad press down 3 times and then up 3 times. You can just go over to the cheat gnome and there will be the option to do those things.
Zombie Monkey Hand If your Sim has a couch, have him or her search it. Search the couch until you find a Zombie Monkey Hand. A message will appear at the top of the screen stating something similar to "That monkey hand really gave you a good cleaning!". Each time you find the monkey hand, it will randomly choose one of your needs and fill it up without you doing anything. Have a fox as a pet When you are creating a family, choose the cat. Use the fur color code to unlock the "Deep Red" cat color. Choose "Head" then go to where you can change the shape of the snout. Find the longest snout available. Its face will now resemble a fox somewhat. Make sure the ears are as large and as fox-like as you get them. Then, go back to the place where you can change its fur and colors. Change the "Extra Fur" option to #2. Now, go to "Fur Markings". Choose the first one. Change that to the narrow strip on its chest. Make its color pure white. Go to the second choice of fur markings. Make its legs all black. Finally, choose the option that makes both of the ears covered in the back with the color black. Add your choice of neckwear if desired, and you will now have a pet fox. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more The Sims 2 : Pets cheat codes.
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